Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Facebook fan Promo

I have one kind of sock monkey that is on sale in the monkey shop fan page on my face book.
She is only $15 plus shipping to the USA.
I have 10 of them to sell, because I have to many socks that I need to get rid off so I can add new colors.
Once you become fan of the monkey shop you will see the tab that says "SHOP NOW"
click that and yo will see Gabriela there.


Lynn Aquaheart said...

your monkies are awesome! I wish you lots of luck with making them your only income! I dream of being able to do that with my art someday!

Klaudea said...

Dude these are so cute!
And you have very colourful socks!

Meg said...

so sweet - love the colors in this one - i call my wee ones lil monkeys :)